Today I was fortunate enough to complete my first presentation as a Holistic Health Coach of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Angela Joy Nutrition_July 2015 Kids Presentation Ladacin
ngela Joy Nutrition preparing her presentation on healthy eating for children 

For the presentation, I spoke to children at the Ladacin school about healthy eating.

The presentation was broken up into several topics:
-What does it mean to be health?
-Healthy Foods: The Five Food Groups
-The United Stated Department of Agriculture My Plate
-Health Snacks

I began by explaining to the children what it means to be healthy:
-Nice to others
-Proper hygiene
-Going to school
-Drinking water
-Health eating

We then looked at the USDA MyPlate and discussed what healthy foods are and the food group that they are in. I love the My Plate because it provides a guideline of what food should be eaten each day, the amounts to be eaten during each day, and the proper portion size.

My Plate

To complete the presentation I showed the children different healthy snack options they can make at home with their parents.

Healthy Snck Healthy Snckk Healthy Snack

We then made our own healthy snack: Apple Sandwiches

Apple Sandwiches

Food Items Needed:
Nut Butter
Chocolate Chips/Raisins

Many children have nut allergies, therefore I brought apple butter and sunflower butter. The children LOVED the sunflower butter and said it tasted just like peanut butter.

Overall the full presentation went very well! I look forward to providing more presentations in the near future.

As I progress through my education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition I will be looking for more opportunities to provide presentations to the public. I am able to offer presentations on a variety of topics including healthy eating, healthy living, smoothie making, nutrition for athletes, healthy eating for kids, and much, much more.

If you, or someone you know, may be interested in hosting a presentation on health, please contact me. I will also begin to offer free Health History consultations within the near future. Let me know if you would be interested.

Contact Me: Angela Joy —

For more information about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, click here to take a sample class: or click here to look at the curriculum: 

Thank you for reading 🙂

❤ Love, joy and blessings,

Angela Joy

Angela Joy