
Angela Joy Health & Fitness



Your Integrative Nutrition Health Coach!

I am happy to announce I have officially completed my certification at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).
I am now a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach!!
IIN Health Coach
Over the course of the past year my life has transformed in more ways than I could have imagined — all of which I am incredibly thankful for.
I learned an abundance of valuable information on how to live a fully authentic, healthy, and well-balanced lifestyle.
Now that I have been able to learn this life-changing information and instill amazing transformation into my own life, I am hoping to bring this gift to you through my health coaching practice.
My education at IIN consisted of coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories; including Ayurveda, gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics, and everything in between.
I was taught by the top specialist in each field. Just to name a few; Deepak Chopra, David Katz, Walter Willett, Andrew Weil, Gabrielle Bernstein, Mark Hyman, Marion Nestle, Joshua Rosenthal, and many others.
My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, lifestyle change and prevention.
As a result I will begin working with clients one-on-one and in group programs to help others create a healthier, more balanced, happier life, while creating sustainable positive lifestyle changes.
Angela Joy Health Fitness Cover Letter
During this process I will also be seeking speaking engagements and events to offer presentations and lessons on various topics. Therefore, if you or someone you know is seeking a speaker in the field of health and nutrition, let me know! I would happy to offer a presentation to your audience.
As a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I work with clients, like you, to help make lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results.

In the coming weeks:

– I will begin offering FREE health history consultations
– I will be launching my website
– I will be sending out my first newsletter
– I will be introducing my first group program
Be on the look out. If you are interested in ANY of the above listed items, please let me know ASAP. 
Thank you all ❤ I am incredibly grateful for all that I achieved, and everything that is to come xo

Join Me! – Contact me now to get started.

❤ Wishing you love, joy and blessings,
Angela Joy

Join the One-Week Whole Foods Cleanse


Join The One-Week Whole Foods Cleanse

with Angela Joy Health & Fitness ❤

Whole Foods Cleanse

This week I will be experimenting with a One-Week Whole Foods Cleanse.

The entire cleanse is outline and explained below. I am inviting you to join me in participating in the cleanse for one full week.

Each day we will be eating fresh, whole foods that will support healthy body function, increase energy levels, remove toxins and waste, improve sleep, improve memory, improve digestion, improve skin and so much more!

The whole foods cleanse well be made up of foods that are created from the Earth in a natural and whole state, including fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts and whole grains.

Blog Post # 1: Introduction and Invitation to Join the Cleanse!

This post is part of a series of blog post articles that will/are being posted throughout the week in preparation of the cleanse which will occur next week. You are welcome to join and/or follow along! Please notify me if you are interested in joining. I will be happy to offer assistance and guidance along the way!

What is a cleanse?

A cleanse was created to flush the body of impurities. There are a variety of different kinds of cleanses (juice cleanse, fasts, whole foods cleanse, master cleanse, etc.)

Types of Cleanses:

  • Fast: water, juice, broths, combo
  • Cleanse: raw food, vegan
  • Food Based Elimination Detox: common food triggers, towards vegan, towards raw

Why Cleanse? 

  • People feel tired, over weight and over whelmed
  • People want to feel better FAST
  • Our bodies need time to rest and reset
  • Cleanses not only help our digestive system but the body as a whole
  • To eliminate and remove toxins
  • To ‘Spring Clean’ your body after the winter
  • To lose weight and improve health
  • To add nutrition in to the body

Signs You May Need a Cleanse:

  • Fluid retention/Bloating
  • Skin breakouts and congestion
  • Nasal drip
  • Sore, red, or stinging eyes
  • Waking up consistently between 2- 4am
  • Improper sleep
  • Lumpy breasts that swell during your cycle
  • PMS
  • Impulsive strong food cravings
  • Not hungry for breakfast
  • Craving only coffee in the morning
  • Digestive problems such as constipation or IBS
  • Increase in body fat
  • Cellulite
  • Poor energy
  • Short temper
  • Easily angered
  • Not feeling yourself

The Benefits of a Cleanse:

  •  Weight loss
  • Candida cleanse
  • Organ support
  • Skin Health
  • Digestive Health
  • Clarity
  • Uncovering Emotional Food Issues
  • Ending sabotaging habits
  • Curing Cravings

Will you join me in this special one-week cleanse?

  • Who: YOU are invited to participate?
  • What: One-Week Cleanse made up of primarily whole foods, no processed or packaged foods.
  • When: Monday, February 29 – Sunday, March 6
  • Additional information and instruction will be provided throughout the week.
  • Free guidance and support will be offered, by me, as needed 🙂
*Note: This cleanse does not include any animal products. If you choose to consume animal products during the cleanse that is up to you. However, I do suggest that you choose to refrain from consuming animal products during the cleanse and determine how your body feels upon completion of the cleanse* 

Please contact Angela Joy with any questions or concerns! If you are interested in participating, please contact Angela Joy at

❤ Sending you love, joy, blessings and health,

Angela Joy xo




Why I Eat Healthy & Exercise?

Over the weekend I took the time and questioned myself, “Why do I live my current lifestyle?”

“Why do I choose to eat healthy food, refrain from eating unhealthy foods, exercise daily, express positive emotions and acts, surround myself with positive and supportive people? Why do I do these things?”

It is so easy to just eat whatever you want. It is easy to hang out with people who have been in your life for years, regardless of how they make you feel. It is easy to stay in that relationship. It is easy to stay in your current job, even though it sucks all of your energy. It is easy to just go to the school close by. It is easy to not exercise. Most importantly, it is easy to stay here. Here in this comfort zone that we are living in every day — afraid of change, growth and development.

BUT, should life really be easy? Are we helping ourselves?
Or, are we actually putting our lives on hold and preventing our real life
from happening?

Grateful heart

I live a every day with gratefulness.

Growing up in a hardworking, middle class family nothing was handed to us. Everything that I received my dad would ask me, “Is this something that you need?” Early on I distinguished the difference between a need and a want.

I watched every morning as my father went out to work in the wee hours of the day, returning late at night — tired, hungry, lacking ambition and full of frustration.

He gave his job his all – every day. There wasn’t a day he stayed home, no matter how sick or hurt he was. Even as a young child I realized this. We needed the money and he worked his butt off to provide it for us. He wanted us to live good lives. He wanted us to have what we needed. And for that I was grateful.

In addition, my family taught me the love of God, instilling values of gratefulness, appreciation, love, honesty and purity within me.

They taught me these beautiful values through their actions. Growing up I watched as they took in strangers needing a place to stay, donated food to the poor, donated money to children overseas, given rides to homeless and poor people, and basically given the shirts off their backs to anyone in need whenever possible even if they did not have it to give.

I have witnessed people who have nothing, and their gratefulness for so little, therefore I spend my days remembering that for any “bad” thing that happens there is always someone who has it worse and they are getting through it with less.
Grateful choiceGrateful thoughtGrateful day

As a result I wake up every single day with gratefulness.

No matter what is going on every single morning I remind myself that:

I am grateful.

  • I am grateful for my parents
  • grateful for our house
  • grateful for food
  • grateful for a bed
  • grateful for a job
  • grateful for clothes
  • grateful for my health, body and mind
  • and grateful to be alive

Therefore, as my connection to this mindset heightened over the years I became more and more conscious of the foods I eat, the people I surround myself with, the activities that I do, the movies I watch, the words I say – and overall the way that I live.

Grateful for body

I make every effort that I can to live the best,healthiest, happiest life that I possibly can.

Not because I want to be skinny, or look good, or feel good – really because I am so grateful for this life and I want to show God and the world that I am appreciative.

My body is a gift. I love my body. Every ounce of it. I am thankful for all that is does for me each and every day — regardless of how it looks.

As a result I make every effort to treat my body well giving it healthy nutritious food, love, support, care and exercise. ❤ 

This is my reasoning. It was incredibly eye opening to come to this realization. And, hopefully it was inspiring for you as well. ❤

*Every single life on this Earth is precious.

*Every single person has a specific purpose and plan.

*We were all placed on this Earth for a reason.

*It is your responsibility to live your life the best that you can in an effort to discover your purpose and live it out.


Take some time to ponder these questions and feel free to share below. I would LOVE to hear from you. You are also welcome to email me any time at

  • Why do you live the way that you do?
    • Could a positive outlook improve your lifestyle and choices?
  • What is your purpose on this Earth?
    • What are your strengths and passions?

Please share your thoughts and reactions below! Sending you positive thoughts and actions today ❤

Positive gratefulPositiitvePositive let go

❤ Wishing you love, joy and blessings,


Angela Joy xo

Creating a Business is Not Easy!

Angela Joy Health Fitness Cover Letter

Business marketing is not easy.

  • Choose a business name
  • Choose a niche market
  • Create a logo
  • Create marketing materials
  • The list goes on and on…..

I have successfully however decided upon my business name, created a logo, created a business email, and created my first informational business logo.

Nothing about starting a business is easy. People doubt you, you doubt yourself, nothing is instantaneous, hard work is not rewarded, and so forth.

Small accomplishments may seem like nothing to others, although they are huge! This photo above may seem small, but if you were to know the amount of thought and work that was involved you would not look at it the same.

Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone who currently is or is thinking of starting their own business.

I strongly encourage you to get started. Even if it is the smallest of accomplishments, this will move you into the right direction and inspire you to really get started.

We are in this together! Who is with me!

—> Anyone else who is starting their business, or going through an equally difficult time, please comment below. I would love to hear from you!!!

—> Also, if you have feedback regarding my logo above, I would love to hear it!! Thank you!

❤ Wishing you love, joy and blessings,

Angela Joy


My First Presentation as a Health Coach!

Today I was fortunate enough to complete my first presentation as a Holistic Health Coach of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Angela Joy Nutrition_July 2015 Kids Presentation Ladacin
ngela Joy Nutrition preparing her presentation on healthy eating for children 

For the presentation, I spoke to children at the Ladacin school about healthy eating.

The presentation was broken up into several topics:
-What does it mean to be health?
-Healthy Foods: The Five Food Groups
-The United Stated Department of Agriculture My Plate
-Health Snacks

I began by explaining to the children what it means to be healthy:
-Nice to others
-Proper hygiene
-Going to school
-Drinking water
-Health eating

We then looked at the USDA MyPlate and discussed what healthy foods are and the food group that they are in. I love the My Plate because it provides a guideline of what food should be eaten each day, the amounts to be eaten during each day, and the proper portion size.

My Plate

To complete the presentation I showed the children different healthy snack options they can make at home with their parents.

Healthy Snck Healthy Snckk Healthy Snack

We then made our own healthy snack: Apple Sandwiches

Apple Sandwiches

Food Items Needed:
Nut Butter
Chocolate Chips/Raisins

Many children have nut allergies, therefore I brought apple butter and sunflower butter. The children LOVED the sunflower butter and said it tasted just like peanut butter.

Overall the full presentation went very well! I look forward to providing more presentations in the near future.

As I progress through my education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition I will be looking for more opportunities to provide presentations to the public. I am able to offer presentations on a variety of topics including healthy eating, healthy living, smoothie making, nutrition for athletes, healthy eating for kids, and much, much more.

If you, or someone you know, may be interested in hosting a presentation on health, please contact me. I will also begin to offer free Health History consultations within the near future. Let me know if you would be interested.

Contact Me: Angela Joy —

For more information about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, click here to take a sample class: or click here to look at the curriculum: 

Thank you for reading 🙂

❤ Love, joy and blessings,

Angela Joy

Angela Joy

Become a Faster, Stronger, Healthier Runner with Optimal Form

By: Angela Ciroalo

As a runner living along the Jersey Shore I commonly pass other runners by the beach or throughout local trails.

Some are running slow, others running fast – one thing that I can’t help but notice is the many differences in each runner’s form.

A runner’s form is the position of their spine, head, arms, legs and feet while running.

Form is an important component of running that I do not think receives enough attention.

When first learning to run people often focus on the length of time they are able to complete a run or how fast they were, meanwhile the movement of their body is often overlooked.

Form is important because the position of the body can greatly impact a runner’s performance, their instance of injury, and even their level of enjoyment.

As a new runner, I too never gave my form much thought. I did not see the significance and

However, as time continued, and my knee pain increased, I realized the importance of proper running form.

Correct Running Form
Photo taken from

Running Form Mistakes
The 10 most common running mistakes, according, include; looking down; keeping the shoulders and body tense; clenching the fists; rotating the torso; placing the arms in the “chicken wing” position; leaning the torso too far forward; over-striding; heel-striking; over bending the knees; and breathing shallow.

Bad Running FOrm
hoto taken from

Most runners will make one or more of these mistakes every day.

Now that you are aware of these common mistakes let’s take a look at how to fix them – and help you achieve peak running performance.

The Runner’s Head
We will address the placement of your entire body, since running is a sport that includes the entire body, but first we will begin with the head.

Proper running form includes an upright head looking forward.
When a runner is looking down, their neck and back muscles become strained trying to support their 7 to 10 pound head.

Over time, the strain can turn into an injury, ultimately damaging muscles and causing unnecessary pain.

In an article published on, an international running site powered by the International Association of Athletics Federation, it was suggested that runners keep their head in a straight and neutral position, allowing the head to align with the shoulders and back.

Maintaining a straight and upright head will improve posture, performance and experience.
It will also allow you to notice the beautiful scenery around you, the other smiling runners – and prevent you from running into any poles or cars.

The Runner’s Shoulders
Runners often arch their back and raise their shoulders, as if they were typing at a computer.

Running in proper form includes rolling the shoulders back and keeping them square with the chest.

Another good tip to keep in mind is to allow the shoulders to remain loose and free from tension.

The Runner’s Spine
The spine can move in many different directions depending on the placement of the runner’s body.

Runners can achieve optimal performance when running with a straight, upright spine.

A common term used to explain optimal posture is to “run tall” or to run with a string pulling the head and body up straight.

Placement of the Arms and Hands
While running the arms are used to balance the body while the feet lift off the ground.

Optimal balance and running performance is created when the arms move at the same pace as the feet, the arms are moving towards the shoulders and back down towards the hips, and the hands are loose.

A few things to avoid include running with arms across the body, keeping the hands close to the shoulders, and clenching the fists.

Running should be a smooth and relaxed, symmetrical movement throughout the entire body.

The Runner’s Stride
In an article published on, it stated that optimal running performance is achieved when a runner’s strides are short and the knees have a slight bend and lift.

Making shorter strides, no further than your knee, will cause your feet to land under the body, opposed over-striding the leg away from the body.

hoto taken from

The Runner’s Foot Placement
In recent years, much debate has been expressed between the differences in landing on the heel or the forefront of the foot. stated that landing on the forefoot area of the foot is “the most efficient way of running” to prevent injury and achieve peak performance.

Due to the suggested benefits I decided to give it a try.

What I found was that my knee pain disappeared, my form straightened and my performance improved.

Physical therapist Jay Dicharry from the University of Virginia’s Center for Endurance Sport stated in a Runners World Magazine article that when the foot lands on the forefront, the ankle and foot will absorb the force of the landing and create a spring in each lift off.

When the heel lands, however, the landing is a “stiff system” which does not allow the ankle to “give,” Mr. Dicharry said.

Therefore, when the heel hits the ground the shock will be shifted to the knee.

This is not to say that the heel strike is wrong. Some runners prefer it and have not had any issues as a result of landing on their heels.

Running Tips
hoto taken from

The Benefits of Proper Running Form
Each of these tips do not have to be incorporated all at once. If there is one that you prefer to the other, try that first and make changes gradually.

Transforming the way you run can make lasting changes in your performance, posture, health as well as your love for the sport.

“Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you’re young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don’t let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself,” running champion and author John Bigham once said.

This article was previously published in Night and Day Magazine

Angela Ciroalo_Running Form_2015


Angela Joy

Resources for improving running form:
Runner’s World:
I Love Running Magainze:
World Running:
The Run Doctor:
Good Running Form:
Chi Running:

Build Your life, Not your resume

By: Angela Joy

As I am transitioning between career paths I recognized that my entire time spent in college I focused on building a resume.

Now that I am doing a complete shift my previous resume is not very relevant to my future work — and all of that time spent working is gone.

Throughout the entire time that I worked and worked to build my resume I was missing out on LIFE.

I missed birthday parties, family get-togethers, lunches with friends, and so much more!

Now, I have finally come to realize that experiences on my resume do not bring me joy, fulfill me, or allow me to be who I was created to be.

Most of the things I completed on my resume I didn’t even like/enjoy. I only did them to add the experience to my resume.

It is the small things such as the quality time you spend with family and friends that allow you to experience and enjoy life — ultimately allowing you to learn to be the person that you were created to be.

Life not Resume

So take some time and, “Build a life, not a resume” 🙂

Building a life can mean a variety of things to you.

It may mean spending more time with your spouse, children, parents or friends.

It may mean spending time with yourself, your goals and dreams.

It may mean going on vacation or an adventure.

Whatever it may be I encourage you to go out and do it.

Instead of focusing on what your resume looks like, focus on what your memories look like, on what your passport looks pages look like, on what the dirt on your shoes or tires look like, on what the smiles of others around you look like — and most importantly what your heart looks and feels like!!

Treat every day as if it is a gift and you will be sure to create a new and improved outlook on your life!

Angela Joy

A little organization & positive reinforcement can make a world of difference

By: Angela Joy

What does your work space look like?
Does it promote productivity? Do you feel motivated?

Each office has its own look and feel, depending on the type of profession, office space/location and person’s interest.

What every office may need, regardless of its look and feel, is some needed organization along with a taste of positive reinforcement.

Angela Joy’s Wall of Motivation – alongside a clear and organized workspace

Organization&Positive Reinforcement


The photo above is an example of my current desk/office space.

All of the notes, paperwork, and books have been removed – only allowing items that I am using at the moment to remain.

Items, books, and paper work that were previously placed on the desk have been removed and organized in folders.

Now that my workspace is clear and organized, I feel refreshed and prepared to work.

More often than not people do not take the time to clear their workspace – leaving scattered paper work, pens, notes and to-do lists.

The result of dismissing time to organize your desk may lead to unproductivity, confusion, stress and aggravation – without you even realizing it. states that the benefits of an organized desk/office include:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Reduced stress levels
  • An enhanced image at work
  • The ability to retrieve forgotten/lost items
  • The opportunity to gain a sense of accomplishment

Information obtained from:, also agrees. The health and exercise magazine printed a recent article proving the same facts:

If you are facing issues with lack of organization in the workplace, refer to, where they have provided tips for you to get organized and achieve ultimate productivity:

Positive Reinforcement:

While organizing my new workspace I thought about different ways to decorate the area.

Have you ever heard that if you surround yourself with good people you will become a good person?

Well in deciding how to decorate the space I thought why not surround myself with encouraging and inspirational quotes?

As a result I began researching some quotes that are important to me and began collecting them. Over time I acquired enough of them that I started printing them to place on my wall.

The photo above shows the quotes I have placed at my workspace, I also placed quotes and encouraging words all throughout my bedroomtherefore completely surrounding myself with encouragement in every direction.

While placing these notes throughout my room I then decided to write down my weekly, yearly and life goals.

I then taped my goals next to my calendar, mirror and next to my door.

The goals are a constant reminder of the plans, dreams and hopes that I am working towards each day.

This effort has been extremely beneficial for me. Each time that I feel down I subconscious read the notes in my room while getting dressed or putting on makeup – and my mood and perspective is automatically changed.

I advise everyone, no matter how successful or not successful that you are to try this exercise.

We all have goals and hopes in life and it is important to remember and work towards them each day!

A  quote to get your own “Wall of Motivation” started is this:

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
-Harriet Tubman

-Angela Joy

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