Over the weekend I took the time and questioned myself, “Why do I live my current lifestyle?”

“Why do I choose to eat healthy food, refrain from eating unhealthy foods, exercise daily, express positive emotions and acts, surround myself with positive and supportive people? Why do I do these things?”

It is so easy to just eat whatever you want. It is easy to hang out with people who have been in your life for years, regardless of how they make you feel. It is easy to stay in that relationship. It is easy to stay in your current job, even though it sucks all of your energy. It is easy to just go to the school close by. It is easy to not exercise. Most importantly, it is easy to stay here. Here in this comfort zone that we are living in every day — afraid of change, growth and development.

BUT, should life really be easy? Are we helping ourselves?
Or, are we actually putting our lives on hold and preventing our real life
from happening?

Grateful heart

I live a every day with gratefulness.

Growing up in a hardworking, middle class family nothing was handed to us. Everything that I received my dad would ask me, “Is this something that you need?” Early on I distinguished the difference between a need and a want.

I watched every morning as my father went out to work in the wee hours of the day, returning late at night — tired, hungry, lacking ambition and full of frustration.

He gave his job his all – every day. There wasn’t a day he stayed home, no matter how sick or hurt he was. Even as a young child I realized this. We needed the money and he worked his butt off to provide it for us. He wanted us to live good lives. He wanted us to have what we needed. And for that I was grateful.

In addition, my family taught me the love of God, instilling values of gratefulness, appreciation, love, honesty and purity within me.

They taught me these beautiful values through their actions. Growing up I watched as they took in strangers needing a place to stay, donated food to the poor, donated money to children overseas, given rides to homeless and poor people, and basically given the shirts off their backs to anyone in need whenever possible even if they did not have it to give.

I have witnessed people who have nothing, and their gratefulness for so little, therefore I spend my days remembering that for any “bad” thing that happens there is always someone who has it worse and they are getting through it with less.
Grateful choiceGrateful thoughtGrateful day

As a result I wake up every single day with gratefulness.

No matter what is going on every single morning I remind myself that:

I am grateful.

  • I am grateful for my parents
  • grateful for our house
  • grateful for food
  • grateful for a bed
  • grateful for a job
  • grateful for clothes
  • grateful for my health, body and mind
  • and grateful to be alive

Therefore, as my connection to this mindset heightened over the years I became more and more conscious of the foods I eat, the people I surround myself with, the activities that I do, the movies I watch, the words I say – and overall the way that I live.

Grateful for body

I make every effort that I can to live the best,healthiest, happiest life that I possibly can.

Not because I want to be skinny, or look good, or feel good – really because I am so grateful for this life and I want to show God and the world that I am appreciative.

My body is a gift. I love my body. Every ounce of it. I am thankful for all that is does for me each and every day — regardless of how it looks.

As a result I make every effort to treat my body well giving it healthy nutritious food, love, support, care and exercise. ❤ 

This is my reasoning. It was incredibly eye opening to come to this realization. And, hopefully it was inspiring for you as well. ❤

*Every single life on this Earth is precious.

*Every single person has a specific purpose and plan.

*We were all placed on this Earth for a reason.

*It is your responsibility to live your life the best that you can in an effort to discover your purpose and live it out.


Take some time to ponder these questions and feel free to share below. I would LOVE to hear from you. You are also welcome to email me any time at angelajoyhealthfitness@gmail.com

  • Why do you live the way that you do?
    • Could a positive outlook improve your lifestyle and choices?
  • What is your purpose on this Earth?
    • What are your strengths and passions?

Please share your thoughts and reactions below! Sending you positive thoughts and actions today ❤

Positive gratefulPositiitvePositive let go

❤ Wishing you love, joy and blessings,


Angela Joy xo